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Express yourself and make them your inspirations!

Brooke Saward


Jessica Ricks

SF Bay Area

Luanna Perez

New York

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My TOP 3

Philippines / Australia

Combining a deep appreciation of Filipino, Australian and global fashion, Kim Jones is a powerful voice for the local artisans and designers that make Pinoy fashion so compelling, as well as a beacon for the best of international style.

LA / London / New York

Natasha has a unique sense of style which mixes a relaxed/ beachy chic look inspired by Hawaii, Miami and Byron Bay with modern high fashion trends inspired by New York, Los Angeles, Paris and Sydney.


Camille is always a fashion designer, sometimes a model, occasionally a stylist and as of April 2011, officially a blogger. Take a peek into her world and witness her love affair with fashion and a few other loves in between.

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